brokering the Governance Framework for the
3D Geo-referenced Digital Built & Legal Environment (3D Geo-DBLE)

Adam Di Marco , TheUrbanDeveloper
Adrian White , Finance NSW
Alan Hobson , Brisbane Airport
Alan Rees , Urban Circus
Alan Smart , ACIL Allen
Alastair Mac Coll , Taylors
Alastair Brook , PDC
Alex Webster , Powercor
Alistair Byrom , Veris
Ally Dench , Wollondilly
Andrej Mocicka , 1Spatial
Andrew Bashfield , RMIT
Andrew Busse , Beveridge Williams
Andrew Curthoys , Qld DSDMIP
Andrew Hansen , Westpac
Andrew Hill , MTWO
Andrew Krake , Holyoake
Andrew Limpyer , Landsurveys
Annick Ah Lan , AIQS
Anthony Emmerson , Taylors
Anton van Wyk , 1Spatial
Ari Mansfield , Spheredrones
Behnam Atazadeh , University of Melbourne
Belinda Hodkinson , SMEC
Ben Cooper-Woolley , ARUP
Ben Crossling , National Capital Authority
Bernadene Voss - Mayor , City of Port Phillip
Bill Thomson , GHD
Bob Jiang , Mountain Ash
Braith McClure , McMullen Nolan Group
Brian Middleton , Bentley
Brian Nicholls , AAM Group
Bruce Baker , Landsurveys
Carol Boyle , Deakin University
Chris Needham , AECOM
Chris Penn , Spotless
Colin Knowles , AAM Group
Craig Williams , HERE
Cristina Savian , Be-wise
Daniel Frawley , Autodesk
Daniel Gregor , SMEC
Daniel Kalnins , Willow
Daniel Lea , Jacobs
David Hassett , City of Melbourne
David Mitchell , Qsx Technologies
Deanna Hutchinson , ex-SIBA
Dominik Holzer , University of Melbourne
Don Cameron , buildingSMART
Dorte Ekelund , SMEC
Eric Sharpham , Finance NSW
Esteban Valdebenito Toloza , Oracle
Frank Weiss , Oracle
Garry Brittain , JLL
George Havakis , Gissa
Gerry Shone , ACSV
Glenn Drew , Squizz
Grant Warner , AIQS
Greg Hickey , esri
Gus Mileto , A2K
Guy Penfolds , Autodesk
Guy Perkins , Eagleview
Ian Hardcastle , Jacobs
Ian McGregor , Trimble
Ian Olsen , Pointerra
James Bangay , Enzen
Jarrod Oakley , Deloitte
Jim Plume , buildingSMART
Joel de Ross , Metavents
John Hamilton , Minter Ellision
John Minnikin , v2i
John Mitchell , buildingSMART
Jonathan Russell , Swinburne
Jordan Vincent , Deakin
Louise Mercer , Everledger
Luke Brannelly , v2i
Marie Truelove, Data61
Mark Deuter , Aerometrex
Mark Korver , Amazon
Mark Tait , Investa
Matthew Coleman , Enzen
Max Godley , CIMIC
Matt Aberline , Aurecon
Michelle Blicavs , ACS NSW
Mick Coleman , Mills Oakley
Mohsen Kalantari Soltanieh , University of Melbourne
Nathan Beplate , Lendlease
Nevin Wilson, Metro Trains
Nicholas Burt , FMA
Paul Michielin , SCAI
Peter Clack , RBB
Peter Fox , Greenspace
Peter James , Cohga
Peter Sippel , Veris
Praveen M Tomy , Plangrid
Richard Ham , FMClarity
Rico Geppert , v2i
Rittick Borah , Arcadis
Robert Marigliani , Bentley
Rohan Bakker , SMEC
Rohan Fernando , Eagleview
Samuel Boyall , Metavents
Scott Falvey , Stockland
Shannon Thomas , AMCA
Simon Cookes , LARKI
Simon Vaux , Transport for NSW
Sophia Demetriades , MTWO
Steve Appleby , AECOM
Steven Brant , Oracle
Steven Coyle , Arcadis
Stuart Bull , Laing O'Rourke
Teresa Scott , APCC
Tim Mumford , Victorian Office of Chief Engineer
Wes Roberts , Taylors
Will Hackney , Aurecon
Andrew Busse, Beveridge Williams
John Hamilton, Minter Ellision
Michael Haines, VANZI
Mohsen Kalanatri, Melbourne University
Paul Michielin, SCAI
Richard Ham, FMClarity
Rohan Fernando, Eagleview